New Releases for the Week of October 30, 2009


Just in case you forgot the name of the Michael Jackson movie...



(Columbia) Michael Jackson, Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, Michael Bearden, Dorian Holley, Judith Hill, Bashiri Johnson, Orianthi, Tommy Organ. Directed by Kenny Ortega

This is a movie that was never supposed to be a movie. Shortly before his untimely death, Michael Jackson went into rehearsals for an extended stage show he would perform in London that was to be the basis of a comeback for the King of Pop. Of course, we all know that wasn’t to be. Love him or hate him, there is no denying that the man was one of the most talented performers of his generation and this will be the last footage of him in any sort of performance whatsoever. While it is slated for a limited two week run, chances are it will be extended, but if you are a true blue diehard Michael Jackson fan, you won’t want to chance it. I’m just hoping they’ll let the man rest in peace after the movie finishes its undoubtedly profitable run – the fascination the media has for all things Jackson has become rather ghoulish.

See the trailer here.

For more on the movie this is the website.

Rating: PG (for some suggestive choreography and scary images)

Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg

(International Film Circuit) Gertrude Berg, Lewis Berg, Norman Lear, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Before Ellen deGeneres, before Mary Tyler Moore, before even Lucille Ball there was Gertrude Berg. She wrote, produced, directed and starred in a radio comedy called “The Rise of the Goldbergs” that was so popular that Berg regularly competed with Eleanor Roosevelt in the polls for the title of most popular woman in the United States. She became one of the first stars of television and would receive the first Emmy for Best Actress in history. She would also die in 1966 nearly forgotten by both the public and the industry that she helped create. Her influence would inspire not only industry giants but also people from all walks of life, most especially Jewish women. Her story is told here in a mix of contemporary interviews and archival footage from her show.

See the trailer here.

For more on the movie this is the website.

Rating: Unrated